Alpen Fuelers - Get To Know You with Stephanie A.
To launch Alpen Fuel, we celebrated by doing the biggest thing we could think of, giving away a lifetime subscription to our Summit Snack Box! Our winner was Stephanie A., an outdoors lover and world traveler from Ft. Worth, Texas. Her reply to winning? "I am so excited and surprised!! This is great!! I am currently on a trip on the Mekong River in Cambodia and Vietnam." We couldn't be happier that Stephanie is our winner! We think you will agree, especially once you read how she plans to use her winnings!
Stephanie says, 'Fly Fishing in Rocky Mountain National Park - Small ones count too right?!'
What is your favorite outdoor activity? Hiking and camping. Last year I turned 50 and I decided to hike 50 different trails to celebrate the milestone. We have an Airstream, that in the past year we have camped in over 80 nights.
How do you plan on using your monthly snack box? I initially heard about your company through the blog, Hiking for Her, and I immediately thought it would be a great option for trying out new snacks and camping food. My husband and I have volunteered the last nine years for the outdoor program, Trojan Outdoor Experience (TOE), at our sons' school. The program takes each class (between 60 and 80 students), kindergarten through 12th grade, on a class outdoor trip every year for increasingly longer trips. We coordinate the planning, prepping, and serving of the meals and snacks for these trips. One of the reasons I was interested in Alpen Fuel was to be able to try new snacks and trail foods for this outdoor program as kids can be picky and some outdoor snacks are expensive, so buying what I think would be good and then getting stuck with a dud isn’t cost effective. This box will give me the opportunity try out new offerings for TOE to meet the fuel needs for the kids as they burn a lot of calories on these trips.
Stephanie and her family on the "Top of Texas", Guadalupe Mountain
What is your favorite outdoor memory? In 2011, my husband and I took our two sons on a 28 day camping trip from Texas to Glacier National Park. We hiked around seven national parks and countless historical sights, but the best part was the amount of family time we got to spend together on the road and around the camp fire and of course all the memories we made along the way. Road trips are a favorite!
Machu Picchu
Stephanie isn't letting moss grow under her feet in 2019, either. The New Year found her on the Mekong River, exploring Vietnam and Cambodia. She and her family also have plans in Florida and a week of spring camping in Colorado, where they'll cheer on their son and his logging team at Colorado State University. They have two TOE adventures planned back in Texas, as well; they will be taking 7th graders involved in the TOE program to Enchanted Rock Natural Area, and later heading to a remote camping area in Central Texas with a group of 9th graders. Her goal for the summer? Hike a 14er in Colorado. She says, "I tried Handies Peak last year but failed to get to the top due to poor planning. If I had your monthly box then I might have made it, but instead passed out during my descent!" Proper fuel can make all the difference when you need an extra boost to get you to the summit.
Stephanie says, 'Handies Peak - beautiful, but I failed to make it to the top - but I learned a lot and that’s the whole point of failure.'
Once school starts up again in Texas, they will be taking two more TOE groups to two different state parks in the northern part of the state. Stephanie and her family's love of the outdoors, adventure, and their dedicated community involvement are exactly what Alpen Fuel is all about, and we are excited to have Stephanie as a part of the Alpen Fuel community!
“Swimming" at Deception Island in Antarctica
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